Francis X. Hezel, Educator & Director of the MicSem.


Francis X. Hezel

(Interviewed, May 2011)

"I was born in Buffalo, NY on Jan 29, 1939, entered the Jesuits after  graduating from high school in 1956.  I first came to Micronesia in 1963  to teach at Xavier HS for three years, and returned after my ordination  in 1969.  I've been there ever since, loving every minute of it, even  when I'd lose in basketball."

Fr. Hezel is the director of MicSem since its establishment in 1972. Please visit their website for additional information. (MicSem Website)

The Fourth Branch interviews Fr. Francis X. Hezel, educator and director of the Micronesian Seminar in Pohnpei FSM. The interviewer is Russell Thoulag.

Please continue to view the video recorded interview: