“What is the balance of power here? That Kosrae does not matter? That these 8 Senators swallowed up the last 4 years of hard work that my people and I put in? That Congress can pick and choose what part of the Constitution, the FSM Code, and the laws of this country to follow, while the rest of the citizens are expected to follow all the laws? That is power by the few.”
We are honored to have this opportunity to interview Mr. James Naich from the State of Chuuk on his candidacy for the FSM’s upcoming constitutional convention. Mr. Naich has an extensive record of public service to the FSM. He is the Deputy Chief of Mission at the FSM Embassy in Washington D.C.. He also served as a delegate to two past constitutional conventions for the FSM.
On Tuesday, August 27th, sophomores and juniors of Yap Catholic High School joined the crew of Okeanos Waa’qab and Okeanos Ambassador along with members of the Yap Department of Education and the Department of Youth and Civic Affairs (DY&CA) for a coastal clean up around Nungoch island in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.